Monday, January 26, 2015

Broadway Anyone?

JD had a cultural extravaganza this weekend.  I didn't do this to us on purpose but we ended up seeing two magnificent performances.
 On Friday evening we went to see Evita at Bowie.  I'm always amazed at what high school kids are able to do when I go to their events.  Some of them have extraordinary talent.
We also went to see Mamma Mia!  This was a traveling Broadway show that was playing at UT for a couple of days.  The show features the music of ABBA and is just FUN!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Science Project

The last couple of weeks have been filled with JD's science project.  He chose to do his project on static electricity.
 Since little boy hair doesn't have much room to stand up with static my hair was the subject of lots of experimenting.  I won't show you what that looked like at the end of the day  ----  it wasn't pretty.
FINALLY FINISHED!!!  It took lots of work and patience but JD finished everything and was ready to turn it in to school this morning.  WHEW -- We are both glad that project is done.