Sunday, February 21, 2016

Merit Badge University

 This group of boys did a great job Saturday at Merit Badge University.  They navigated the U.T. campus and spent the entire day in classes.  They were even able to explain to us what they had learned when it was all over.
 We met in the morning at Littlefield Fountain.
 The boys got out their map of the campus and planned out their strategy.
So proud of all of them - and a little scared that they are getting so big and independent.

Tinker v. Des Moines

 Met one of my heroes today - Mary Beth Tinker.  She was at our Law Related Education conference.  Mary Beth's case involving a Vietnam War protest went all the way to the Supreme Court


JD and I went to a basketball game at Bowie.  He had to have a picture with the bulldog -- because that is what we do.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Arrow of Light

 JD has earned his Arrow of Light award and crossed over to a Boy Scout Troop.  WOW - he's getting big.  I'm not ready for him to be a Boy Scout yet --- we have chosen a great troop and he has a good bunch of boys and leaders to work with.