Sunday, January 27, 2013

Catching Up

I haven't blogged in quite awhile because I have had some technical difficulties getting my pictures to upload.  I'm not the most technologically savvy person around to say the least.
 Saturday was the pinewood derby.  Here is JD with his pack.  You can tell who the winners are based on the smiles. 
 JD's car raced down this track at less than 3 seconds but that still wasn't fast enough to win.  The electronic timer separated the winners from the losers by less then .1 seconds.
 Here's the competition.  Some were pretty and some were fast.  I think the dad's had as much fun (and were more competitive) as the boys.
 We had several days of vacation left after George had to go back to work.  Here are some of  the pictures of our fun.  JD's friend Lincoln came to play.  Not only are Lincoln and Lulu not afraid of one another anymore ---- now Lulu thinks he has come to play with her.  She waits patiently for him to throw the green toy.
 We went to see the whole new LBJ library.  They have polished and rearranged all the exhibits BUT --- it costs $8 to get in now -- a change I'm certain LBJ would not approve of. 
 It makes me sad because JD and I have spent many a hot summer afternoon inside this air conditioned, historical playground.  BUT $8 -- WOW -- we are going to have to soak in the air conditioning somewhere else now --- somewhere FREE.
At some point we went to Costco and had pizza.  I think JD could live on Costco pizza if I would let him. 

WELL -- now that I've got my technical difficulties ironed out I'll try to do a better job of keeping my blog up to date.

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