Saturday, October 27, 2007

Our Little Reader

JD LOVES to read. In the evenings he will bring book after book for me to read. As long as I'll read, he'll keep bring me books. This day he couldn't find anyone to read to him so he decided to read to himself. This particular story is about a woman who runs into the makings of a scarecrow. She finds shoes that go "clomp clomp" and a pair of pants that go "wiggle wiggle" and a shirt that goes "shake shake" . . . He can't really say all the words but I caught him turning the pages and saying "wiggle wiggle" and then wiggling.

JD is our little pick up man. Most weekends when we are going somewhere as a family he points to the truck and says "truck truck" and then "yeah" if we actually get to go somewhere in the truck. He doesn't ask for the truck on weekdays. I guess he knows we don't drive the truck to school.


Chad Can Plan said...

This has nothing to do with anything on the blog. I got the free trial for and wanted to get as much out of it in the two-week period. Anyway, looked up grandpa and found the records for a private who signed up in 1941. Same name and date of birth as grandpa (and 5' 4" 136 lbs, if that's any indication). Put down 2 years of college and occupation: actor, director, or film writer. i'm wondering if there were transcription errors, a multiple name, or if grandpa had a secret life in his mid-20s that we just didn't know about.

Ruth said...

That sounds like him except for the actor part. BUT, he always said that he was in the school plays and was interested in "dramatics." I have a hard time believing that he would discribe himself as an actor though. Hmmmmmm