Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Troop 61

JD earned his showman badge this weekend with the help of troop 61.
 One of the adult leaders is a magician.  JD got to help with the floating table trick.
It was all pretty amazing!  JD is one step closer to earning his arrow of light award and crossing over to boy scouts.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fall Ball

In Texas they say there are only two sports --- football and spring football.  That my be true in another household but in our family the two sports are baseball and fall baseball.  We started another season this weekend playing with the Bees.  It's fun to make new friends and eat some popcorn at the ball park.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Express Night

It is the last weekend of Express baseball.  We were enjoying our night at the ballpark when . . .
 . . . JD caught this ball.  He took his glove to the game and waved at the first baseman who tossed it to him.
 After the game he went down to the field hoping to collect an autograph or two.
 Here is the end result.  Lots of signatures and a very very happy little boy!