Friday, September 12, 2008

The Week in Pictures

We have swim lessons twice a week. I got this one picture taken before the battery in my camera gave out. I'll try to remember to take it to the p0ol again sometime. JD has gotten to be a pretty good little swimmer thanks to our fabulous swim teacher Mark.

JD has been promoted again at school. He is now in the Butterfly class. He does so much artwork that I can't even take pictures of it all. Here is his latest collection.

JD's nap was another victim of Hurricane Ike. Schools closed early today because they are being used to house refugees from the coast. JD's teacher said the kids just wouldn't settle down for nap and people kept coming in early to pick up so they just gave up. No nap at school means JD was REALLY sleepy this afternoon when we got home. I thought he was getting awfully quiet and went in to check on him. This is what I found. YES, he is wearing his Halloween costume already. He has a couple to pick from but today he chose Buzz Lightyear.
To infinite --- and beyond!

1 comment:

Marci said...

right now we are watching jd videos over and over again from the blog. hang tight this weekend, I worry about my texans.