Sunday, March 8, 2009

Over the River and Through the Woods . . .

. . . To Grandmother's House We Go.
Since JD has already measured everything worth measuring at our house we had to go visit Grandma this weekend.
JD and Dad relax while they wait for the meat to cook. I was a BAD errand girl on Saturday. George needed a few things from HEB and sent me to the store WITH JD!!! It just so happens that HEB is right next door to McDonald's and this colorful playground.
JD was hungry, I figured the meat had to cook for awhile before they'd be ready for vegetables, AND . . . one thing lead to another. A Happy meal and some play time later and we finally made it back to Grandma's with our veggies. I can't be held responsible for my actions when JD and playgrounds are involved. I know I'm supposed to be the adult, BUT, JD is a bad influence on me.

1 comment:

Corrine said...

sure blame jd for making you make a bad choice :)