Saturday, May 2, 2009

Viva Cinco De Mayo

Hola Ya'll!! It's Cinco De Mayo time again.
JD wore a sombrero for the ocassion.
We enjoyed petting this camel. The camel had really yuckie teeth that it kept showing us. Hmmm, kind of like his handler. I tried my best to engage the camel guy in conversation and figure out why they had a camel at a Mexican fiesta. He just wasn't very talkative. Actually, I think the camel talked more than the man did.
There were a few carnival rides that we enjoyed. JD is in the red shirt and his cousin Justin is in the car behind him. JD said the roller coaster was really fast.
JD enjoyed riding the pink elephant.
The thing that entertained the boys the most was this big fenced in dirt area. Boys and dirt -- a perfect combination!
Everyone (except me) enjoyed some menudo. Too bad we can't make the menudo pictures scratch and sniff. When we arrived first thing this morning JD said, "What is that smell" and made a horrible face. THAT my son is the smell of menudo!! YUM YUM

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