Monday, September 7, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

We were able to go to the ball game this weekend. There was lots of fun things for the kids to do while we waited for it to start.
JD got to ride a horse. I asked him if he wanted me to walk with him (like the dad in the green) and he said, "No, I'm a big boy." OK THEN!
We rode the train together.
JD loved the bounce houses.
Dad helped him spin the wheel and won baseball cards.
The chicken dance was fun between innings.
YUM - funnel cake!
The game wasn't nearly so fun when it went into extra innings.

1 comment:

Chad Can Plan said...

That must have been hard to get a four year old to stay attentive for extra innings. I'm 26 and still can't stay still. Maybe that's saying more about myself....