Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween

Halloween continued to provide fun and excitement at school this Friday.
I posed with the girls in my 3rd period class for this picture. Aren't they cute?!
In the afternoon I went to JD's school for fall learning centers. That's what we used to call a Halloween party in the olden days. JD's kindergarten class decorated cookies at one of the centers.
At another center they used M&Ms to make a graph.
Halloween Bingo was also fun.
Everyone sat on the rug for a story. I have new respect for for JD's teacher, Mrs. McKaskle. I don't know how she has the energy to do this ALL DAY LONG!! After only 2 hours I was EXHAUSTED!! I'm used to being around kids all day -- BUT -- not ones that tug at you with sticky fingers.
There is a strict no costume rule at JD's school. After the party I had one more class to teach. Bowie doesn't have any silly rules about not dressing up so JD put on his costume and helped with that last class. They were happy to eat the leftover cookies from the kindergarten party.

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