Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happy Weekend

We've had a hard week here in the world of school budget cuts and teacher layoffs. Stay tuned to see what the final verdict is from the school board and whether I still have a job.
In the mean time, we needed a sweet distraction. JD made these brownies complete with food coloring paintings on top.
We were SUPER EXCITED to be invited to a birthday party for one of our old friends from preschool. JD hugged friends he hadn't seen in months and played like a monkey.
There were lots of fun things to do at my gym. . .
. . . including this ball pit.
As I was sorting through the weekend pictures I found this one. OH MY - I didn't know my mother was at the party - but sure enough - that's her old lady hand. YIKES!!

1 comment:

Marci said...

i want to go to a birthday party like that. i have wiggles i need to get out...