Saturday, April 27, 2013

Grand Master Lee

JD has been looking forward to meeting Grand Master Lee every since it was announced that he would be coming to our local South Austin studio for a special class.
The day finally arrived.  He was very good with the kids and I have to say I admired the embroidery work on his uniform --- can I get some pajamas like that? 
 Part of the class included some weapons training.  When you only weigh 50 pounds it can be hard to control numb chucks
 We learned about pressure points.  Pulling on you ear this way is supposed to help relieve headaches.  He kept encouraging all the moms sitting on the sidelines to try it.  In general, I think there is something to acupuncture and pressure points -- this just made my ear hurt.  I'll have to try it next time I have a headache and see.
 The students practiced their forms and techniques. 
Afterward JD got a certificate and a handshake from the Grand Master. 

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