Saturday, March 15, 2014

Spring Break

JD and I had a few days off school for spring break.  Another set of Ridings came to visit, but we were so busy having fun I forgot to take a single picture.  You'll just have to use your imagination.  Imagine Donna and I shopping til we drop and Don reading in relative peace and quiet. 
 After the Ridings left JD and I went to Gatti Town for teachers eat free day.  It is the one day I get my money's worth out of a trip to JD's favorite eating establishment.
 We spent a day at the livestock show and rodeo.  "Walking on water" is something JD can't ever master - but that doesn't keep him from trying every time he has a chance.
 The rodeo always has a healthy assortment of foods to try.  Next time I decide I need to try a fried oreo it's JD's job to remind me NOT TO!
Our last day of spring break was spent at a friend's St. Patrick's day party.  JD found lots of green accessories to improve his outfit.

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