Saturday, October 13, 2007


Thomas wasn't enough fun for us on Saturday so we also went to our local elementary school carnival. We went primarily to see Joe McDermott. He was FABULOUS, as usual. I was very surprised that JD would actually sit on his lap for this picture. He had a super time bouncing to his favorite song - "get yourself a baby kangaroo. They bounce and bounce and bounce . . . . . . " You get the idea. It may not be a top 40 hit, but then they don't ask 2 year olds when they put together those top 40 lists.

JD also got a lesson in taggin from his buddy Noah.

This was his favorite game -- The bean bag toss. He learned that if you walk right up to your target you can get it in every time.

He applied that same principle to the football toss. Learning from previous experiences -- WOW!


Marci said...

you have a picture with joe mcdermott!! wow.....I'm really jealous

Ruth said...

We had the best time. There weren't as many people as when we saw him this summer. He was really nice about pictures and autographys etc. JD has heard his songs enough times now that he jumps and dances with him.