Monday, November 16, 2009

Government Plot or NOT!

I know there are people out there who consider vaccinations to be some sort of Government plot to collect our DNA or some such nonsense. NOT ME -- I'd just as soon my child not get smallpox or polio.
JD was very brave today while he waited for his swine flu vaccine. When the nurse called him back he said to her "no shots" and the whole waiting room of adults giggled at him. It was actually very cute. He was lucky that today's vaccine was the flu mist type so there were no shots today.
A jumpy gym has opened up right next to the Doctor's office so we jumped as a reward for being so brave.

1 comment:

Chad Can Plan said...

I would get a tetanus shot every day if I could go down that slide. Oh, and how I wish I could get the vaccine- I had the flu over spring break and do not want to go through that again.