Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Pioneer Day

My birthday is on Pioneer Day (the day Mormon settlers arrived in the Salt Lake valley) so we had a double celebration.
JD and I made this yummy chocolate cupcake. JD decided that since I was a girl my decorations had to be pink flowers.
I chose Joe's Crab Shack for my birthday dinner. In theory, JD likes crabs. About five minutes after I took this picture he threw up his crab all over Joe's floor. He insisted he wasn't sick but I suspect we won't be having crab for quite awhile.
At the Pioneer celebration JD enjoyed petting a goat.
Some of his friends posed with him by our covered wagon.
The boys joined in on the pioneer parade. They started things off alone with this dedicated group of handcart pioneers. FOR SOME MUST PUSH AND SOME MUST PULL AS WE GO MARCHING UP THE HILL . . .
After all that hard work pulling the wagon JD and his friend Lincoln enjoyed a snow cone.

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