Sunday, October 14, 2012

When the cat's away the mice . . .

. . . go to Costco and eat pizza!
 When we first met George bemoaned the fact that all my friends were teachers.  Now, all these years later, many of his friends are also teachers.  Teacher who like to go fishing!  George has gone to the coast fishing the the Economics teachers from Bowie High School.  He learned several years ago that they don't throw you overboard if you don't know what the GDP is - teachers are just regular people after all.  While he was away JD and I ran errands and played.  I promised him that every other errand would be fun.  To counteract the flu shot he got first thing in the morning we had pizza -- it was only 10:00 a.m. but what better time for a little pizza snack.
 After the torture of trying on new shoes (for him - not me) I let him pick out a book at the store.  YES - he was excited and considered a new book a treat.
Finally, it was movies and pizza (again I know) at the Alamo Draft house.  We love the ticket robot out front.  Dad will be home later today - we'll see if he caught us any supper.

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