Thursday, March 13, 2008

Child's Play

I've read enough other blogs now to realize I'm no wordsmith. I'm more of a picture book type of author. A few captions under pictures seems to be my style. We continued our spring break festivities today with a trip to the Children's Museum. We have been before but now JD is big enough to really have fun with the activities. Here he is playing the xylophone.
He put together these giant tinker toys.

JD made music by throwing balls down tubes into this exhibit.

We played with sand in the construction zone.

We sorted some pegs into holes.

AND, JD drove a bus. On our way home we ran into tons of SXSW traffic. Something I hadn't taken into consideration when I decided to go downtown this morning. Maybe we should have taken a real bus.


Marci said...

Ruth--- you're making me cry!! Next spring break we'll have to play together. I'm still not sure why you didn't come here for spring break....

Ruth said...

I'm sure JD would LOVE to play with the girls. If it weren't for a little thing like a trans-atlantic plane ticket. DARN it - too bad we aren't independently wealthy. I owe you a big thanks though -- you're the one who showed my all the fun stuff to do.