Saturday, May 24, 2008

Children's Sunday

Several weeks ago the church where JD goes to school had a special Sunday service to recognize the child care center. JD and the other children went to sing for the service. I didn't take my camera because I wasn't sure about what the etiquette was for taking pictures. Thankfully someone else took a few pictures and shared. You really need a video to appreciate the performance, but, I will try to narrate a few still photos since that's all we have. Everything starts out perfectly with the children all standing in a row singing their songs. The little boy to JD's left is Ethan - one of his best friends.
Singing alone got a little boring so JD decided to dance too.

Here's a little more interpretive dance.

Then it was time for the children's sermon. Sitting still for it proved too difficult for JD. He had to roll around on the steps a little bit.
AND, we wiggled a little more.

Enough is enough -- JD just had to walk away from it all. For all you LDS folks who have worked on Primary programs take heart --- Lutheran children are exactly the same. You just never know what they are going to do.

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