Sunday, May 2, 2010

Another Fun Filled Saturday

Saturday has become JD's favorite day of the week. He wakes up on Saturday morning and says, "Is it Saturday?" When I say, "yes" he cheers. I guess it is easy to see why little boys like Saturday when you see what we've done. WARNING -- LOTS of pictures follow.
We started our Saturday at a Primary activity. We learned about Moses.
Then, the children played tug-o-war across the Red Sea.
Next was the parable of the 10 virgins and the children passed water from one person to the next to see who could fill their lamps with oil (or their buckets with water) the fastest.
Our second event was the state menudo cook-off. YUM!! (or in my case yuk) JD and I don't eat menudo but we enjoy the festivities.
Here's something my mother never would have allowed -- spending $3 on a carnival ride.
Make that $6 since we rode two.
I had a great picture of the Harley Any Menudo booth --- then this fat guy walked in front of the sign. He must have been discussing the menudo recipe because he would not move so I took the picture anyway.

Menudo no -- funnel cake - YES!!!! Now THAT is yummy.
Here we are in front of the booth where grandpa's friend Eva was cooking. Dad and grandpa are relaxing in the back.

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