Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cut - AND - Mock Trial

This is one of JD's favorite activities. He likes to cut. Just give the child a pair of scissors and a magazine and he is happy for hours. OK, well maybe not HOURS. He is happy for quite a while though. He is getting quite good at it. He knows how to hold the scissors and works with them pretty well. Maybe he can grow up to be a surgeon?????
I know the title of my blog is Fun with JD, but today I had some fun with the mock trial team. Here are the little darlings. They are a fabulous, fun, smart goup of kids. They had the best time posing for some action shots in the courtroom before our trial started. Unfortunately we were eliminated from the contest in the semi-finals. DARN!!


Corrine said...

so are you not teaching anymore? or do you teach law? I guess I always thought you were a high school teacher? do you debate? Are you in Law school? oh how I don't know anything about you, I am sorry...

Ruth said...

You're right. I'm just a plain jain high school teacher. These are my high schoolers who entered a mock trial contest. I'm not a lawyer I just play one for mock trial contest.

Becky said...

ahh...i want to do mock trial.

i'm just a debater. =]]]

haha..i hope y'all had debate coach tried to do that once..

but we all goofed off instead..
where do they do the contests?