Sunday, February 17, 2008

Elmo Grows Up!

We have been to see Sesame Street live. Last year we saw Elmo Makes Music and this year was Elmo Grows up. The show was all about Elmo deciding what he wants to be when he grows up and was ENTIRELY different from last years show where Elmo was trying to pick an instrument to play - HA HA HA HA HA HA! Maybe the Sesame Street writers have been on strike too. Here are father and son waiting for the show to start.
JD enjoyed seeing all his friends close up. He even got to shake Elmo's hand!

This was the scene at half time. Two men came out with these huge bunches of Elmo balloons at $10 each. They must have been filled with something special to make them that valuable. I consider myself a wiser consumer than that and so we left the show with nothing but memories.


Marci said...

Here's a long comment from Marci..

First of all rachel saw the pictures and said, "its too bad JD wasn't sick this year, I liked it when he was sick and I got to go instead. Can JD be sick again?"

Also, I went to buy JD that same Elmo balloon at HEB for his birthday and it costs somewhere around $9 there. Although they said you could keep bringing it back and they could keep refilling it for a very small fee. I guess its the balloon that will never go away.

Ruth said...

But Rachel, -- you aren't here to go this year. If JD had been sick our seats would have just been empty.

Whenever we were little my parents always took us to shows like this but we NEVER EVER bought anything at them. No refreshments, none of that expensive stuff they sell -- nothing. Mom always said it was too much money. George will always buy food and that is as far as I can stray from my upbringing without needing counseling to discuss my childhood.