Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy Blogging Birthday

This is the one year birthday of JD's blog. I started recording our lives through pictures for the world to see one year ago with this event -- The Parks and Wildlife EXPO.
Scroll back a year and you will find a picture of JD on this very horse. This year he was big enough to sit on it without dad holding him.

Dad helped JD go fishing for trout.

HE CAUGHT ONE!! JD got his first fish. The parks and wildlife guy helped him take it off the hook and then hold it so JD could touch it.

We petted this cute puppy who tried to take a bite out of JD's hat.

Who knew the Army Corp of Engineers had a mascot -- BUT -- here he is and he was happy to pose for a picture.

JD "drove" this ATV.

He checked out the campers. SO SORRY, your allowance doesn't cover a $24,000 camper!!

I can't believe it's been a whole year of blogging. My goodness how time flies when your taking pictures.


Melissa said...

I miss the Expo!! It was always so much fun.

Marci said...

i'm glad that you started blogging... i really hope you keep it up.